CX 201 N Coax antenna switch

Product no.: 00555 Notify on availability
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Bezeichnung / Type

CS 201 N 

VHF-UHF 2-way coax antenna switch with 2 input and 1 output with N-f connectors

Frequenzbereich /
Frequency range

DC - 600 MHz

Anschlüsse /
Connector type

N-Buchsen (N-f) / N-female

max. Leistung /
Power range

1 kW @ 30 MHz (CW)

Einfügedämpfung /
Insertion loss

0.15 dB @ 30 MHz

Isolation zwischen den Ausgängen /
Output port isolation

60 dB @ 100 MHz

Abmessungen /

82 mm x 94 mm x 50 mm

Gewicht /

approx. 420 g

Art. Nr. / Part No:



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