
BOS antenna

BOS antenna

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1 - 30 of 63 results
Product no.: P100000464

- - -no longer available from manufacturer - - -


Due to total length of antenna of 3 m this item has to shipped by truck / lorry only - please ask for quote!

Product no.: P132000084

GPS-C 4/2/TETRA-S BBMU, Multiband GPS antenna for mobil applications incl. matching unit

669.49 *
Product no.: P132000096
679.85 *
Product no.: P132000139
469.34 *
Product no.: P132000129
469.34 *
Product no.: P132000130
213.96 *
Product no.: P140000401

FSP 70/ TETRA Desk Stand, dipole antenna for TETRA band

257.10 *
Product data sheet
Product no.: P100000426
246.93 *
Product no.: P100000425
246.93 *
Product no.: P100000442


246.93 *
Product no.: P100000441

PCPI LH/TETRA/l-h circular left hand polarised patch antenna, PROCOM

247.00 *
Product no.: P100000428


371.88 *
Product no.: P100000427

PCPO LH/TETRA/s-f, DAS antenna 380 - 430 MHz

371.88 *
Product no.: P110000137

CXL 70-1/l; PROCOM Unity gain base station and marine UHF antenna for 380 - 430 MHz to be mounted on 1" pipe

138.34 *
Product no.: P100000444
371.88 *
Product no.: P100000423
243.95 *
Product no.: P100000445
243.95 *
Product no.: P100000424
264.78 *
Product no.: P100000446
264.78 *
Product no.: P100000476

PLPO/TETRA/s PROCOM Patch antenna for 380 - 410 MHz with 7dBi gain

264.78 *
Product data sheet
Product no.: P130000606

ML 1-BZ ¼ ʎ mobile antenna with shock spring for 80 MHz

108.71 *
Product no.: P130001731
669.49 *
Product no.: P130000849

MU 1-MM/s, Unity Gain ¼ ʎ mobile antenna for 450 MHz on magnet mount; MM-mount with FME system

96.63 *
Product no.: P100000113

CXL 70-3C/S PROCOM Collinear, 3 dBd base station and marine antenna for 380 - 410 MHz, N jack

404.60 *

can be shipped within ca. 45 days

Product no.: P130000605

ML 1-Z, ¼ ʎ mobile antenna with shock spring for the 80 MHz

108.71 *
Product no.: P130000607

ML 1-ZP4 80 MHz mobile antenna for 80 MHz made by PROCOM

129.41 *
Product no.: P130000627

ML 1-ZR/160/BBMU/... PROCOM 2 dB mobile antenna for glass fibre roof for 160 MHz with Z mount including 100 mm FME junction cable and matching unit

203.61 *
Product no.: P100000128

GP 450/l; PROCOM ¼ λ ground plane antenna for TETRA band 380 - 430 MHz

231.22 *
Product no.: P140000166

FLX 70/s-FME Portable antenne for TETRA BOS equipment range 380 - 430 MHz

25.88 *
Product no.: P130000881

MU 1-BZ/s Black ¼ ʎ mobile antenna for 450 MHz on BZ mount with stainless steel whip, toggle joint and FME connector (FME-m); BZ mount with FME system

62.12 *
Prices incl. VAT, plus delivery
1 - 30 of 63 results